
The following are some writings I have created for your reading pleasure. If you like what you see, please be sure to contact me to get engaging, business-driven content customized to your needs.

How Does an Attorney Prove a Product Was Defective?

Have you ever bought or used a product only to find out it’s utterly and dangerously defective? Perhaps you were electrocuted by a common household toaster oven. Due to what you believe is a manufacturing error with the power cord, you now have thousands of dollars in medical bills you can’t afford. 

How To Use Fonts Effectively in Email

You don’t have to look far to realize that fonts can either make or break any design. Their importance in email is no less. No matter what part you play in the production of email, you must understand a few things about fonts and what they can and cannot do.

State Declares Public Health Emergency After TB Outbreak

Most have never had or even known someone with what used to be deadly diseases like measles, tuberculosis, etc. Unfortunately, in places like Chicago and California, that is no longer true.

Email Newsletter

Creek is Granted “Rights,” Only to Be Reversed When Truth Comes Out

It has been the unfortunate experience of far too many that when outsiders come in and try to influence a community, they rarely have good intentions in mind, at least for the natives.

BBM Newsletter