Hi, I’m Rachel.
I am a professional freelance writer.
My Story…
I started writing after being let go from my 9-5 that barely kept meals on the table and gas in my car. We were struggling, really struggling. I didn’t know what I was going to do.
With only one vehicle and a husband who worked nights an hour from home, it wasn’t like I could just run out and pick up a part-time anything. Besides, I haven’t liked working in the corporate world for quite a few years anyway.
So I strapped on my big girl boots and decided to chase my dreams.
I have always wanted to write for a living. But when you are in high school, and they ask you what you want to do for the rest of your life, being a professional and well-known writer sounds awfully unattainable.
After all, it’s not every day the next J.K. Rowling is born. And I have never presumed to be that talented anyway, even if I had been told for years I had a gift. So I suffered through the doldrums of what normal looked like for everyone else.
I tried to fit in where I could to pay the bills. My husband encouraged me year after year to continue looking for something I could be really happy with.
But since I had given writing up, I didn’t even begin to look in that direction. After all, I barely even kept a journal anymore.
Thankfully, God had other plans. He let me fall on my face a few times, struggling to do things I wasn’t meant to. And after this last time, I knew I had to make a change.
I had to start really examining my gifts and talents and figure out what I was supposed to do with my life. I also needed to make a decision quickly.
With no money coming in, the bills really started to pile up, and the phone began to ring—and not in a good way.
So I started writing—a little here, a little there—about anything and everything I could get my hands on. And it has only grown from there.
And Now…
This site is living proof that I can write and make a good living at it. I can do this to support my family and give them a better life than we ever dreamed of.
I truly have found my passion, my joie de vivre. Life is so much better when you do what you were meant to do.
In my soul-searching, I learned there are quite a few things that bring me joy. I also found that the key to keeping that joy is to stay real and true to myself and the God who loves made me this way.
This is why I write; it is why I bring myself to your home and life in the way I do. After all, life is lived in reality, whether we want to be there or not.